About Me 

I worked as an educational adviser on children with special needs for many years, before beginning to write books for children. My first character was a differently abled girl – naturally! Charlotte Holmes, the first profoundly Deaf teenage detective, is the great-great granddaughter of the great Sherlock. She solves crimes, and constantly puts her autistic friend - Joanne Watson - into terrible danger as a result! After five books, the girls are still together and still catching crooks!

I discovered that I enjoyed writing and began a new series, also with strong female heroes. Jenny Johnson wakes up one day in the body of a girl from the nineteenth century. The other girl wakes up in Jenny’s body, in the 21st century and thinks she’s died and gone to hell in the night! But no, it’s only modern London! The series is called Timesplit, and the first two stories are published in one volume.

After my wife of 43 years died, it took a while to get back to writing, but when I did, I went back to the past and wrote a story for teenagers/young adults. ‘I Was a Teenage Spy’ is set in the 1960s at the height of the cold war. Geeky teenager Philip wakes up one night to find a girl in his bedroom. ‘Come on’, she says to him, ‘we’ve got to save the world.’ And she more or less kidnaps and takes him on an adrenalin-fuelled ride the length and breadth of England to find the mole who betrayed her.

My next book is for children from eight years and upwards. It is called ‘Six Kids Save Planet Earth.’ The six children of the Chan family wake up one morning to find their mum and dad behaving very oddly. They have been taken over by aliens! They just need to rescue their parents, save the planet from alien invasion, and get home in time for tea. No pressure! A launch is planned in the autumn for this book.

Finally, I was very proud to have been commissioned to write a book with Shaun Russell, in the Lucy Wison series. Lucy is the granddaughter of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, a stalwart alien fighter, who fought with U.N.I.T. alongside a certain famous Doctor! Lucy has inherited her grandfather’s fighting spirit and is officially a defender of Earth. In the book, called ‘The Web of Terror’, Lucy is kidnapped by a colossal spider who is bent on revenge! She has to save herself, save her best friend, and ultimately save the Earth from invasion by giant spiders. The book is twinned with Apocalypse Tomorrow, by Steven Walton and Shaun Russell, but can be read separately.

The books are all available on Amazon, or from Candy Jar books or you can order them from me in the Contact page.